Join the Ambient Weather Community: The Ultimate Platform for Monitoring and Sharing Weather Data
Monica Devlin Comments

Are you a weather enthusiast looking for a reliable and easy-to-use platform for monitoring weather conditions? Look no further than the Ambient Weather Network (AWN) online portal and AWN app for iOS and Android.
The AWN personalized dashboard provides KestrelMet 6000 station owners with remote access to sensor data, viewing trends and charts, and the ability to set alerts for specific conditions. But that's not all. AWN is packed with many other useful features to satisfy even the most passionate weather enthusiast.
Location-Based Weather Data
AWN provides users with the ability to view data from their personal weather station and other monitoring devices remotely. No more checking multiple sources for weather data—everything is accessible in one place. Our platform is user-friendly and easy to navigate, so you can quickly access the data you need. Plus, with our app, you can access your weather data on the go, from any device.

Each red dot on the map represents a weather station with the ability view its full measurements.
Not only is Ambient Weather Network convenient, but it's also reliable. With over 150,000 weather stations (and growing every day), rest assured you're receiving accurate, up-to-date hyperlocal weather information for your exact GPS location. Join the AWN Online Weather Community
In addition to viewing data from your personal weather station, you can also connect with other weather enthusiasts in our community and share your data with them. This allows you to compare local weather conditions with those in other areas and get a more comprehensive understanding of weather patterns in your region. Once you connect your weather station, you can even create and share your own forecasts. The social tab not only allows you to chat or comment on other weather enthusiasts' posts, but you can also check out weather pictures as well!
Watch this video to see why AWN is the go-to source for hyper-local weather reports around the world: AWN Video
Join the AWN community today and take your weather monitoring to the next level.
You can create an account online at
Download the app for iOS or Android.
Learn more about AWN here.
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