About KestrelMet
KestrelMet weather stations are designed, built, sold, and supported in the USA by Nielsen-Kellerman (NK) Company. KestrelMet Weather Stations are high-quality, durable weather stations that are designed to withstand the toughest conditions. They provide accurate measurements of temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, rainfall totals, and more. The company's goal is to meet the specialized measurement needs of demanding outdoor customers by providing quality products with superior customer service.
NK's largest division is the weather division, encompassing Kestrel® Weather and Environmental Meters, KestrelMet® Weather Stations, Rainwise Rain Gauges, Ambient Weather® Stations and internet dashboards, and PVMet Solar Monitoring Systems. NK is proud to be both a recognized leader in Lean Manufacturing and an award-winning top workplace. For more information, visit www.nkhome.com.