Frequently Asked Questions

How do I download data from

You can only download data to a PC, Mac, or Linux Desktop or Laptop computer. You cannot download data to a tablet or smartphone due to device limitations.

To download data from

  1. Switch to Data View by selecting the Data icon
  2. Pick a data range by selecting the calendar
  3. To download data for the date range, tap the download icon

You will be prompted to export All Data (5-minute), or the Daily Summary Data:

A status bar will provide the percent-download completed:

Save the CSV files (comma separated value) to your computer.

For more information on csv file definittion, visit:

csv files can be read by most data management programs, such has Excel, MySQL, and more.

Here is the format for the time and date field:

The Time Format follows ISO Standard 8601:

The date and time are expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) with a marker for the user’s Time Zone.

Here is an example:


The date for the example is May 21, 2019

The time is midnight (00:00:00).

The time zone is -7:00 (US Mountain Standard Time).

If you are a programmer, see the following article: Accessing data via the API

To view your data via third-party apps, please see the following article: Apps for Ambient Weather

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